Everyone welcome!

The Scoop Newsletter

January 2019

your monthly Basics Co-op news

your monthly Basics Co-op news



new co-op owners

  • Elizabeth Arndt

  • Shanleigh Bechard

  • Renae Boydston

  • Kathy Comella

  • William Ferris

  • Cindy Giese

  • Burhan Haque

  • Heidi Keith

  • Kyle Krueger

  • Arra Lasse

  • Debra Mikel

  • Eric Nueske

  • Amanda Price

  • Sherry Schwader

  • Christine Severson

  • Becky Tuleck

  • Susana Valdez-Shogren

  • Jessica Williams

Staff Anniversaries

Thank you for your dedication to the Co-op!



featured co-op owner

local vendor highlight

featured product

the beat recipes


new and returning



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