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Maple Valley Co-op


Cashton, WI

Cecil Wright and friends co-founded Maple Valley in 1991. In 2007, Maple Valley shifted its structure to a co-op owned by farmers, employees, customers, vendors, and investors.

Today, Maple Valley Co-op bottles 1000-1200 gallons of syrup weekly from a pool of around 60 farmers. Most of these are multi-generational family farms that have passed along the craft of maple sugaring from one generation to the next! Maple Valley Co-op farmers must be sustainable farming stewards and they must ensure that their maple woodland understory stays intact to provide habitat for abundant and diverse wildlife and to prevent soil erosion.

How do you syrup?

While many think of maple syrup as a breakfast topping, it is so much more! This superfood sweetener can be used with roasted vegetables, in a salad dressing, as a marinade, in baked goods, as a flavor for your favorite beverage, and more!

Maple Valley syrup is carefully crafted in small batches for a delicious tasting experience. This nutrient-dense syrup is organic, vegan, kosher, gluten-free, and allergen-free.