5/2-5/8, Basics Board Election
basics board election 2021
In keeping with cooperative governance and the Basics Bylaws, all active Co-op Owners are encouraged to vote! “Active” means fully invested or up-to-date on installments.
Ballots will be collected online and in-store through Sunday, May 8. Vote here.
Candidate Information
Lindsey Jozefiak
Lindsey Jozefiak
1. Why do you want to be elected to the Basics Cooperative Board?
I would like to be elected to serve on the Basics Cooperative Board to ensure the interests of those who shop at Basics are represented in key business decisions.
2. What special skills or experience will you bring to the Board?
Previous board experience, corporate business experience, and personal passion are what I would bring to the Board. For the past three years I have served on the Board of Directors for my son's school and have helped it successfully navigate through many ups and downs during that time. I will also bring more than 15 years of corporate experience and the quantitative skills I've developed throughout my analytics career. And most of all, I will bring my personal passion for health & wellness: I have been health-conscious for as long as I can remember, I have been shopping at Basics for almost a decade, and my keen interest and self-education on the topic will always continue.
3. What role do you think Basics offers in our community?
Basics offers a unique and important role within our community, in my opinion. Basics is so much more than a grocer or health food store. It is a connection point between local agriculture and community members. It is an education station. It is a gathering place for all who seek to maintain and improve wellness. I would be honored to serve on the Basics Cooperative Board.
Jenny Neuville
jenny neuville
1. Why do you want to be elected to the Basics Cooperative Board?
I am super passionate about the principles that Basics Co-op abides by, and here’s my take on them:
1. Voluntary and Open Membership—I’m an advocate of diversity and appreciate the Co-op’s non-discrimination policy.
2. Democratic Control—This is what distinguishes us as Owners, versus just members. Together we are empowered to shape the policies and direction of the Co-op.
3. Member Economic Participation—We are all in this together and have the same level of investment and return. This ensures there isn’t an unequal distribution of financial power so the Co-op can truly operate democratically.
4. Autonomy and Independence—I feel very passionate about this one because it keeps big brands, vendors and/or government out of our policy and decision-making and keeps the integrity of Co-op intact.
5. Education, Training and Information—Through educating each member, employee or elected rep, we are optimizing their ability to work, serve & make better informed decisions for the Co-op and community.
6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives—Staying connected and collaborating with other Cooperatives gives all of us a larger voice on a national or regional level. We can team up to better affect legislation, pool resources, and continue to stay strong against the “big box” trends that fail to support local sustainable living.
7. Concern for Community—This is my favorite principle, simply because I’m so passionate about people working together locally, for the good of the community. As a cooperative, we have the responsibility to regard and contribute to the community’s higher good and give back to the framework which supports us.
2. What special skills or experience will you bring to the Board?
Continuing to serve on the Basics board would be a great honor for me. I also served on the Friends of Noah board for several years and have experience with how board structure works and the various functions of each person and the board as a whole. I have worked professionally with many different nonprofits and local businesses and have extensive experience working within the constraints of limited budgets, confidentiality, multiple personalities, and more. I own a marketing company, which means I “look at the big picture” for a living, and I approach problems and obstacles with creativity and tenacity.
3. What role do you think Basics offers in our community?
As a cooperative, Basics provides buying power and a platform for food and product choices that might not otherwise be available in Rock County. The brands we carry help promote local farmers and encourage sustainability. We are a leader in the community when it comes to promoting environmental responsibility. We also demonstrate openness, inclusiveness and diversity. We contribute to local organizations that need help and partner with local efforts that embrace the principles we embody.
Fern Rasmussen
fern rasmussen
1. Why do you want to be elected to the Basics Cooperative Board?
After attending Board meetings for soon two years, I have seen how much is accomplished behind the scenes; all the details and intricacies and responsibilities involved in operating Basics. I observed how the gifted Board members and the employees in the store are serving us very well. It is a privilege to play even a small part in serving the Basics Owners and the community.
The macular degeneration which has affected my eyesight is slowly regenerating. I believe the Creator provides, via supplements and diet, ways to avoid disease.
2. What special skills or experience will you bring to the Board?
My first term on the Basics Board has equipped me with knowledge which serves as a springboard to contribute in practical, valuable, and creative ways. I shop primarily at Basics, for produce, supplements, and other goods, and am well acquainted with the quality and availability of what Basics stocks.
3. What role do you think Basics offers in our community?
I believe Basics offers more opportunities to improve and support one's health than any other store.